Section 5: customer/operator service, 01 introduction, 02 general maintenance – Tweco PakMaster 50XL Plus (CE) User Manual
Page 30

Manual 0-2780
Nitride Build-up
Nitride deposits which may remain on the surface of the
cut when nitrogen is present in the plasma gas stream.
Nitride buildups may create difficulties if the material is
welded after the cutting process.
Kerf Width
Cut Surface
Bevel Angle
Top Edge
Cut Surface
Drag Lines
Figure 4-9 Cut Quality Characteristics
Cut quality will vary on different types of and material
The following table shows the cut quality that can be ex-
pected from this equipment for materials with a thick-
ness from gage to 1/2 inch (12.7mm):
T yp e o f M a t e r ia l
G a s
C a r b o n
S t ee l
S t ain les s
S t ee l
A lu m in u m
A i r
G o o d -
E x c e l l e n t
G o o d -
E x c e l l e n t
G o o d -
E x c e l l e n t
N i tr o g e n
G o o d
G o o d
F ai r
Description of Cut Characteristics
- Minimum bevel (0 - 4°), minimum kerf (2 x
tip orifice diameter), little or no dross, smooth
cut surface.
- Slight bevel (0 - 10°), slightly wider kerf (2-1/2 x
tip orifice diameter), some dross (easily re-
moved), medium-smooth cut surface, slight top
edge rounding.
- Excessive bevel (over 10°), wide kerf (over 2-1/2 x
tip orifice diameter), medium to heavy dross, rough
cut surface, top edge rounding.
Cut quality depends heavily on set-up and param-
eters such as torch standoff, alignment with the
workpiece, cutting speed, gas pressures, and op-
erator ability.