04 power supply specifications, Cutmaster 10mm – Tweco CutMaster 10mm User Manual
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cutmaster 10mm
Manual 0-5074
2.04 Power Supply Specifications
Cutmaster 10mm Power Supply Specifications
Input Power (See Note 1)
208 - 230 VAC (± 10%), Single-Phase, 50/60 Hz
Input Power Cable
Cable without plug, for 230VAC, 20-Amp Single-Phase input power.
Output Current
20-30 Amps, continuously variable
Power Supply Gas Filtering Ability
Particulates to 20 Microns
Cutmaster 10mm Power Supply Duty Cycle (Note 2)
Ambient Temperature
104° F (40° C)
Duty Cycle
DC Voltage
92 vdc
89 vdc
30 Amps
22 Amps
SL 60 Torch Gas Requirements
Gas Type
Compressed Air
Gas specifications
Clean, dry, oil-free (Note 3)
Maximum Input Gas Pressure
125 psi / 8.6 bar
Operating Gas Pressure
65 psi / 4.5 bar
Gas Flow Requirements
300 scfh / 141.5 lpm
1. Duty Cycle is the percentage of time the system can be operated without overheating. Duty cycle is
reduced if primary input voltage (AC) is low or the DC voltage is higher than shown in this chart.
2. Air supply must be free of oil, moisture, and other contaminants. Excessive oil and moisture may
cause double-arcing, rapid tip wear, or even complete torch failure. Contaminants may cause poor
cutting performance and rapid electrode wear. Optional filters provide increased filtering capabilities.
IEC Rating is determined as specified by the International Electro-Technical Commission. These specifications
include calculating an output voltage based upon power supply rated current. To facilitate comparison between
power supplies, all manufacturers use this output voltage to determine duty cycle.
TDC Rating is determined using an output voltage representative of actual output voltage during cutting with
a TDC torch. This voltage may be more or less than IEC voltage, depending upon choice of torch, consumables,
and actual cutting operation.