E-flite Shoestring 15e ARF User Manual

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E-flite Shoestring 15e ARF Assembly Manual

• Free Flight fuses or devices that burn producing smoke and

are securely attached to the model aircraft during flight.

• Rocket motors (using solid propellant) up to a G-series size

may be used provided they remain attached to the model

during flight. Model rockets may be flown in accordance with

the National Model Rocketry Safety Code but may not be

launched from model aircraft.

• Officially designated AMA Air Show Teams (AST) are

authorized to use devices and practices as defined within the

Team AMA Program Document (AMA Document #718).

(j) Not operate a turbine-powered aircraft, unless in

compliance with the AMA turbine regulations. (AMA

Document #510-A).

3. Model aircraft will not be flown in AMA sanctioned events,

air shows or model demonstrations unless:
(a) The aircraft, control system and pilot skills have

successfully demonstrated all maneuvers intended or

anticipated prior to the specific event.
(b) An inexperienced pilot is assisted by an experienced pilot.

4. When and where required by rule, helmets must be properly

worn and fastened. They must be OSHA, DOT, ANSI,

SNELL or NOCSAE approved or comply with comparable


1. All pilots shall avoid flying directly over unprotected people,

vessels, vehicles or structures and shall avoid endangerment

of life and property of others.

2. A successful radio equipment ground-range check in

accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations will be

completed before the first flight of a new or repaired model


3. At all flying sites a safety line(s) must be established in

front of which all flying takes place (AMA Document

#706-Recommended Field Layout):
(a) Only personnel associated with flying the model aircraft

are allowed at or in front of the safety line.
(b) At air shows or demonstrations, a straight safety line

must be established.
(c) An area away from the safety line must be maintained

for spectators.
(d) Intentional flying behind the safety line is prohibited.

4. RC model aircraft must use the radio-control frequencies

currently allowed by the Federal Communications

Commission (FCC). Only individuals properly licensed by the

FCC are authorized to operate equipment on Amateur Band


5. RC model aircraft will not operate within three (3) miles of

any pre-existing flying site without a frequency-management

agreement (AMA Documents #922- Testing for RF

Interference; #923- Frequency Management Agreement)

6. With the exception of events flown under official AMA

Competition Regulations, excluding takeoff and landing, no

powered model may be flown outdoors closer than 25 feet

to any individual, except for the pilot and the pilot’s helper(s)

located at the flight line.

7. Under no circumstances may a pilot or other person touch

a model aircraft in flight while it is still under power, except

to divert it from striking an individual. This does not apply to

model aircraft flown indoors.

8. RC night flying requires a lighting system providing the pilot

with a clear view of the model’s attitude and orientation at

all times.

9. The pilot of a RC model aircraft shall:

(a) Maintain control during the entire flight, maintaining

visual contact without enhancement other than by corrective

lenses prescribed for the pilot.
(b) Fly using the assistance of a camera or First-Person View

(FPV) only in accordance with the procedures outlined in

AMA Document #550.

1. Must be at least 100 feet downwind of spectators and

automobile parking when the model aircraft is launched.

2. Launch area must be clear of all individuals except

mechanics, officials, and other fliers.

3. An effective device will be used to extinguish any fuse on the

model aircraft after the fuse has completed its function.

1. The complete control system (including the safety thong

where applicable) must have an inspection and pull test

prior to flying.

2. The pull test will be in accordance with the current

Competition Regulations for the applicable model aircraft


3. Model aircraft not fitting a specific category shall use those

pull-test requirements as indicated for Control Line Precision


4. The flying area must be clear of all utility wires or poles and

a model aircraft will not be flown closer than 50 feet to any

above-ground electric utility lines.

5. The flying area must be clear of all nonessential participants

and spectators before the engine is started.