E-flite Shoestring 15e ARF User Manual

Page 23

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E-flite Shoestring 15e ARF Assembly Manual

7. Remove the cowl from the fuselage. Use a #1

Phillips screwdriver to thread a 2mm x 6mm sheet

metal screw into the cowl mounting holes to cut

threads in the surrounding wood. Remove the screw

before moving to the next step. Prepare all four

mounting holes at this time.

8. Remove the cowl from the fuselage. Place

1–2 drops of thin CA in each hole to harden the

surrounding wood. This harder surface makes the

screws more secure when installed.

9. The cowl can now be secured to the fuselage

using the four 2mm x 6mm sheet metal screws.

Tighten the screws using a #1 Phillips screwdriver.

10. Install the propeller adapter and backplate on

the motor shaft. Use a 13mm box wrench or open

end wrench to tighten the propeller nut.

11. Position the spinner cone. Make sure the

opening in the spinner cone does not contact

the propeller. Use a 3/32-inch hex wrench or

ball driver to tighten the screw that secures the

spinner cone.