Metrohm VoltIC pro I User Manual

Page 14

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Application Bulletin 356

Installation instruction for «VoltIC pro I»

Page 14 of 18


Starting a determination

The hyphenated analysis of IC and VA follows the cycle

described below:

All sample information (sample ID, dilution factor, etc…) is
programmed in MagIC Net



MagIC Net


triggers VA Computrace software by remote


VA Computrace software will feeds back information to

MagIC Net


after preparing the measuring cell (before

sample transfer) and after VA analysis has been finished

and the cell has been prepared for the next analysis.

Please follow the steps below for system startup:

Close all applications

Turn on all instruments (843 Pump Station should be

switched on after the 797 VA Computrace, otherwise

pumps start pumping)

Start MagIC Net


and check if all hardware

components have been recognized and available in the

configuration window.

Load method «VoltICpro.imet» in MagIC Net


Start VA Computrace and check if hardware

components have been recognized

Load «Det of Zn Cd Pb Cu_IC_VA.mth» in VA

Computrace software

Under «Settings»  «General Settings» 

«Automation» activate «Remote Start» and «End of

Sample» and click «OK» (This must be done with

every restart of VA Computrace software as these

settings are not saved!)

Prepare both systems:

Ion chromatograph


Equilibrate the system («Start HW»)


Check for stable system pressure (+/- 0.1

MPa) on both channels; remove air bubbles

manually if necessary


Check for stable baselines (anion channel:

~0.9 µS/cm, cation channel: ~680 µS/cm for

the mentioned eluents, refer 2.2)



Check working electrode and reference

electrode; refill if necessary


Check nitrogen pressure, performance of

working electrode (create new drops)


Perform electrode check

Start the VA method (VA will wait for trigger signal from

MagIC Net



Enter the amount of standards and standard

concentrations in MagIC Net


Enter sample table in MagIC Net


For quantitative analysis, samples subjected to cation

analysis are normally acidified, whereas anion analysis is

normally carried out with unmodified samples. Method

«VoltICpro.imet» includes only one sample for anion, cation

and heavy metal analysis. Method «VoltICpro_mod.imet»

includes 2 sample vials on the rack for each sample (an

unmodified one for anion determination and an acidified one

for cation and heavy metal determination). According to the

method «VoltICpro_mod.imet» the position of the vial for

anion determination should be defined in the column

«sample position» and the position of the vial for cation and

heavy metal determination is the subsequent one.

Both methods «VoltICpro.imet» and «VoltICpro_mod.imet»

include variable sample volume for VA analysis (0.2 mL

10 mL). The desired sample volume is entered as «Value 1»

(see sample table below).

As the VA Computrace software calculates with a fixed

sample volume of 10 mL, the difference to 10 mL is dosed

by the optional Dosino (ultrapure water) directly into the VA
