Metrohm 889 IC Sample Center User Manual
Page 49

6 Troubleshooting
889 IC Sample Center
If the error occurs again, please call the
Metrohm Service.
Error 331
The Home sensor of the
syringe has unexpectedly
been activated.
Call the Metrohm Service.
Error 332
The required load volume
of the syringe is too high.
The permitted load volume is limited by the
maximum syringe volume. The load volume
currently possible depends additionally on the
current position of the syringe plunger.
Ensure that the required load volume of
the syringe is lower or the same as the
maximum syringe volume.
Check whether the required load volume
can be reached from the current position
of the syringe piston.
Before loading the syringe eject enough
volume first or enter a lower load volume.
Error 333
The required unload vol-
ume of the syringe is too
The permitted unload volume is limited by the
maximum syringe volume. The unload volume
currently possible depends additionally on the
current position of the syringe plunger.
Ensure that the required unload volume of
the syringe is lower or the same as the
maximum syringe volume.
Check whether the required unload volume
is possible assuming the current position of
the syringe piston.
Before unloading the syringe aspirate
enough volume first or enter a lower
unload volume.
Error 334
The syringe plunger is loca-
ted in an undefined posi-
Carry out the function [Reset device] in the
Manual Control of the sample changer.
If the error occurs again, please call the
Metrohm Service.
Error 335
The spindle of the syringe
cannot be rotated cor-
1. Check whether the flow path is kinked or
blocked in on one or more places.
2. If possible, free the flow path of blockages.
If the error occurs again, please call the
Metrohm Service.