DgFlick KioskXpress User Manual

Page 12

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User Manual-2.0

3.2 Creating and Modifying Sizes and Finishes

Kiosk Xpress has a wide variety of predefined Sizes and Finishes.

However, in case the size and finish

you have in mind is not among the standard sizes, you could create your own size, edit it or delete it
as per your requirement.

3.2.1 Creating Sizes and Finishes

On ‘Select Photos’ window click on

to login as an Administrator, a message box appears asking

you to enter the mobile no. to login as an Administrator.

Image ‘Select Photo’ window

One Administrator Login window will appear.

Enter the Mobile no. as ‘+12345678e’ to

login and click on

to go further.

Once you are logged in as an administrator you can set the following parameters. (Image