Version history – Calibrated Software MP4-EX Import v3 User Manual
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Version History
Version 3.0.0
New Software Licensing and Software License Agreement
Updated User Guide
Update GUI
BETA Support has been added for XAVC-S MP4 files. Please note that XAVC-S MP4 files may not play in
realtime and not all are supported. Please see XAVC-S Section for more details.
iMovie and FCE are not supported
IMPORTANT: This version of software (v3.0 or greater) will require a new Software License and an
upgrade fee if you had purchased a Software License for a previous version.
Version 2.3.0
BETA Only Support for 10.9 (Mavericks) - QuickTime Player X and Finder Preview in Mavericks do not work
with our software. The workaround for QT Player X is to install QuickTime Player 7 and use that for playback. You
can download QuickTime Player 7 from Apple here:
/Applications/Utilities folder and can co-exist fine with QT Player X on the same computer.
Version 2.2.2
[Mac OSX] Fixed issue with sandboxing of license file and settings file in QuickLook on OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion)
Updated Calibrated{Q} Import Assist (please see the Calibrated{Q} Import Assist User Guide for more details)
Version 2.2.1
Fixed 0 byte MP4 files (invalid MP4 files) from hanging applications. Now will properly error out.
Version 2.2.0
Added UTF8 support for filenames or folderpaths with non-ASCII characters.
Slight update to QT MetaData packing. If you are using Calibrated{Q} Import Assist then v1.2 (or greater) of
Import Assist is now required
[Windows Only Fix]
– Fixed rare crash in the Calibrated{Q} MP4-EX Import Options application
Installer is now ‘digitally signed’
Version 2.1.1
Updated User Guide
Updated installer
Version 2.1.0