Calibrated refresh for fcp 6/7, Overview, Instructions – Calibrated Software MP4-EX Import v3 User Manual

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Calibrated Refresh For FCP 6/7


IMPORTANT: Calibrated{Q} Import Assist is not part of the Calibrated{Q} MP4-EX Installer. Calibrated{Q} Import
Assist is an optional installer in the DMG file downloaded from our website that contained the Calibrated{Q} MP4-
EX Installer.

You can access it by opening Calibrated{Q} Import

Assist application and clicking on the word ‘Refresh – FCP 7’

‘Refreshing’ is needed to update the duration of any MP4 files that you had previously imported into FCP 6/7 while in

After properly licensing your Calibrated{Q} MP4-EX Import component on Mac OSX, you may still encounter that MP4
files that you had imported into Final Cut Pro 6/7 while running in DEMO MODE will still only show 30 seconds of duration.
This is due to the fact that Final Cut Pro 6/7

will ‘remember’ the duration of an imported MP4 file and FCP has to be told

to ‘re-look’ at the MP4 file to see the proper duration.

Calibrated{Q} Import Assist

‘refresh’, is sending Final Cut Pro 6/7 a command to 'silently' reconnect to the MP4 file. This

silent reconnect command tells Final Cut Pro 6/7 to re-look at the MP4 file and update its properties (including duration) if


1. Open Final Cut Pro 6/7
2. Open the project (s)where MP4 files are still only showing 30 seconds
3. Run Calibrated{Q} Import

Assist and click on the word ‘refresh’ to take you to the refresh page

4. Do either Option A, or B below:

Option A:
-Press the Green Double Arrows button to refresh all MP4 files in the open projects in Final Cut Pro 6/7

Option B:
- Press Green Single Arrow with a Search Glass button - then this will open a 'Choose File Dialog'.
- In the 'Choose File Dialog', navigate to a MP4 File that is only showing 30 seconds in Final Cut Pro 6/7 and choose it
and click 'Open'

5. The MP4 file duration should now be updated in Final Cut Pro 6/7