Cleaning 16, Out side sur faces 16, Ra di a tor 16 – Bird Technologies 6730B Series User Manual

Page 24: In spec tion 16, Pre ven tive main te nance 16, Rf as sem bly test 16, Cleaning, Outside surfaces, Radiator, Inspection

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The outside surface of these wattmeters should be wiped

free of dust and dirt when necessary. The principle main-

tenance required by the operator will be to periodically

wipe the accumulated dust and lint off of the radiator

fins. Excessive dust and lint on the cooling fins will inter-

fere with the efficient dissipation of heat. If the Teflon in-

sulator or metallic contact surfaces of the connector

should become dirty or grimy, wipe them off with a soft

cloth. Use a contact cleaner that is self-drying and

nonresidue-forming to clean the inaccessible internal



If any portions of the radiator are corroded or rusted,

clean the areas with a fine flint sandpaper, and then

touch them up with grey enamel.


With the rugged and simple construction of the Termaline

Wattmeters inspection will only be necessary at six

month intervals. Check for coolant oil seepage around the

radiator tank, particularly at the front and back around

the underside of the clamping band. If leakage is

observed use the troubleshooting table and check the

tightness of the clamping screw and the fasteners around

the front cylinder.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is limited to cleaning the equip-

ment, particularly the radiator fins. It is important to

maintain the heat transfer efficiency of the cooling fins.

Also, occasionally check the coolant level in the radiator


RF Assembly Test

The electrical condition of the load resistor itself may be

ascertained generally from its dc resistance at room tem-

perature. It must be remembered that VSWR and RF im-

pedance are the prime requisites of a good dummy load,

however, occasionally checking the dc resistance will offer

an indication of a failing load.

Normally the dc resistance of the load will be a nominal

50 ohms. Stabilization of the resistive film or temperature

can cause a change in the dc resistance. Always check

Bird Model 6730B Series Termaline Wattmeter