Prin ci ples of op er a tion 5, Principles of operation – Bird Technologies 6730B Series User Manual

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Chapter 2

Principles of Operation

The Termaline Wattmeter circuit is basically a voltage

capacitive divider with one of the capacitors being a

probe whose distance from the center conductor deter-

mines its capacitive value. This probe spacing is adjusted

at the factory in the calibration procedure to produce the

required value and is then locked in place. The small

voltage developed across the fixed capacitor is rectified by

a diode. A simple RC filter eliminates any RF present

and the rectified dc current is fed to the meter, see the

schematic diagrams on the following pages.

The wattmeter measures three separate power ranges by

selectively switching various values of resistance in series

with the meter. One of the two resistors in each range is

adjustable and is set and sealed at the factory during the

calibration procedure. These resistors are mounted on the

back of the meter itself and the range selector switch is

located on the front panel of the meter housing.

Mechanically, the wattmeter section consists of a 50 ohm

line section mounted on the load. For the Models 6732B,

6734B, 6735-300A, 6736A and 6737A, a socket is used to

hold the voltmeter cartridge that contains the crystal di-

ode. The meter cable is screwed directly on top of the

voltmeter cartridge to complete the assembly. The Models

6734B030, 6736-030A and 6737-030A utilize a line section

with an attached voltmeter block. The meter cable atta-

ches directly on top of the voltmeter block.

The Termaline load consists essentially of a carbon film

resistor on a ceramic substrate immersed in a dielectric

coolant. The resistor, individually selected for its accu-

racy, is enclosed in a special exponentially tapered hous-

ing. This provides a linear reduction in surge impedance

directly proportional to the distance along the resistor.

When surrounded by the dielectric coolant, the character-

istic impedance is therefore; 50 ohms at the front (connec-

tor) end, 25 ohms at the mid-point, to compensate for the

resistance already passed over, and zero ohms at the rear

where the resistor joins the housing, forming the return

conductor of the coaxial circuit. This produces a uniform,

practically reflectionless line termination over the stated

frequencies of the load resistor.