Bird Technologies 4450 User Manual
Page 7

About This Man ual
About This Man ual
This in struc tion book cov ers the model 4450 Thruline Wattmeter
This in struc tion book is ar ranged so that es sen tial in for ma tion on safety is con tained in the front of the book. Read ing the
Safety Pre cau tions Sec tion be fore op er at ing the equip ment is strongly ad vised.
The re main der of this In struc tion Book is di vided into Chap ters and Sec tions. Fig ures and ta bles are num bered se quen tially
within each chap ter. At the be gin ning of each chap ter a gen eral over view will be given, de scrib ing the con tents of that chap -
First time op er a tors should read Chap ter 1 - In tro duc tion, and Chap ter 3 - Prep a ra tion for Use, to get an over view of equip -
ment ca pa bil i ties and how to in stall it. An ex pe ri enced op er a tor can re fer to Chap ter 4 - Op er ating In struc tions. All in struc -
tions nec es sary to op er ate the equip ment, are con tained in this sec tion.
All per son nel should be fa mil iar with pre ven tive main te nance found in Chap ter 5 - Main te nance. If a fail ure should oc cur, the
trou ble shoot ing sec tion will aid in iso lat ing and re pair ing the fail ure.
For lo ca tion of ma jor as sem blies or parts re fer to the part lists and as so ci ated draw ings in the main te nance chap ter.
Changes to this pub li ca tion will be made avail able in sup ple ments. To keep your in struc tion book ac cu rate and up to date, it
is rec om mended that a pe ri odic re quest of the lat est sup ple ment be made. It will be sup plied at no cost. When re quest ing up -
dates, ref er ence your in struc tion book part num ber and its re vi sion level listed on the ti tle page.
It is our goal to pro vide our us ers with the in for ma tion needed to op er ate and main tain the Thruline Wattmeter. If you should
dis cover any er rors in this pub li ca tion, or if you have sug ges tions for im prov ing this in struc tion book, please send your com -
ments to our fac tory.