Spec i fi ca tions, Out line draw ing – Bird Technologies 4450 User Manual
Page 12

Spec i fi ca tions
Im ped ance
50 ohms nom i nal
Power range
5/25/100 Watts
In ser tion VSWR
1.10 max i mum
Con nec tors
Bird QC type, Fe male N nor mally Sup -
Tem per a ture Range
Op er ating
Stor age
+5°C to +45°C (41°F to 113°F)
-10°C to +45°C (14°F to 113°F)
Ac cu racy* (From 5°C to 45°C)
30 to 535 kHz
20 kHz to 1 MH
(Into a 50 ohm load)
5% of full scale
10% of full scale
Di men sions
3"D x 3
“W x 6
(76 x 97.2 x 175mm)
In ser tion Loss
0.2 dB max i mum
25 db min i mum
2lb (0.91 kg)
* On the 5 Watt range only the lower fre quency is 30 kHz for 10% ac cu racy and the
am bi ent tem per a ture is lim ited to 15°C to 25°C for this ac cu racy.
Out line Draw ing
Bird Model 4450 Thruline Wattmeter