Bird Technologies 4450 User Manual

Page 23

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Re pair

Al though the Model 4450 is de signed to be rug ged and pro vide years of trou ble-free ser vice,

oc ca -

sional re pair or re place ment may be come nec es sary. This sec tion con tains re pair and re place ment
pro ce dures.

Re pairs should not be at tempted by the user for the first year war ranty pe riod as this may void the
war ranty.

If a prob lem should oc cur in the line sec tion or cou pling cir cuits, the unit should be re turned to the
fac tory for re pair and recalibration.

Remove Back Cover

Fol low the in struc tions be low when re mov ing the back cover is nec es sary for parts re place ment or
re pair.


With draw four screws lo cated on the back half of both sides.


Pull back cover straight off.

Circuit Board Repair

or Replacement


Re move back cover.


Peel off the rub ber feet lo cated in the back half of the bot tom sec -
tion to gain ac cess to flat head screws se cur ing the line sec tion
mount ing bracket.


Re move the two screws.


Pull the line sec tion out of the back slightly and dis con nect the
three wires that con nect to the cir cuit board.


With draw four pan head screws in each cor ner of con nec tor flanges
and pull QC con nec tors straight off.


With draw the four screws on the line sec tion hous ing po si tioned
near the top edge. Do not re move the screws that se cure the mount -
ing bracket to the hous ing. The cir cuit board will lift straight out of
the hous ing with the cen ter con duc tor at tached.


Com plete re as sem bly by re vers ing the pro ce dure above. See note be -


NOTE: When re as sem bling the cir cuit board and line sec tion in the hous ing, po si tion the cir -
cuit board so that the 5k cal i brat ing po ten ti om eters, R5 and R6, face away from the side of the
hous ing on which the mount ing bracket is at tached. These con trols must face out ward for cal i -
bra tion pur poses and also to main tain cor rect in put and out put con fig u ra tion.

Calibration Board and

Meter Removal


Re move the rear cover.


Un plug the rib bon ca ble con nec tor from the cal i bra tion board.


Re move the two nuts that se cure the cal i bra tion board to the ter mi -
nals of the me ter. The cal i bra tion board can now be taken out of the
hous ing.


To re move the me ter, un screw the three Phil lips head screws from
the front face of the me ter hous ing. The me ter may now be pulled
straight out of the hous ing. No tice the rub ber shock ring on the
front of the me ter. It must be re placed when re as sem bling me ter to

