Bird Technologies 4450 User Manual
Page 17

Chap ter 3
In stal la tion
The Model 4450 THRULINE Wattmeter is a por ta ble unit and the hous ing is not de signed for
fixed mount ing. A leather strap han dle is pro vided on the unit for car ry ing pur poses. When trans -
port ing the Model 4450 turn the range switch to the OFF po si tion. This will shunt the me ter move -
ment and ef fec tively dampen the pointer ac tion to pro tect it dur ing han dling or ship ping.
Do not drop the THRULINE Wattmeter equip ment or sub mit it to hard blows. The volt me ter
cir cuitry or microammeter, even though it is shock mounted, may be dam aged by se vere im -
Exposure to RF power radiation and the possibility of RF shock or burns exists with some
operating conditions Always be sure to turn off transmitter when connecting or
disconnecting wattmeter. Be sure transmission line is terminated into a load or antenna.
In sert the Model 4450 THRULINE Wattmeter in trans mis sion lines of 50 ohms nom i nal im ped -
ance. At tach ment is made through the con nec tors on ei ther side of the wattmeter hous ing. A short
length of 50 ohm co ax ial trans mis sion ca ble fit ted with ap pro pri ate mat ing con nec tors should be
used when in stall ing the wattmeter. The in put side of the wattmeter, la beled “IN PUT”, must be
con nected to the trans mit ter out put ca ble and the OUT PUT side of the wattmeter to a suit able
dummy load or an tenna.
The Model 4450 is nor mally sup plied with two Fe male N con nec tors which are of the Bird
Quick-Change de sign. These con nec tors may be readily and eas ily changed to other “QC” type
con nec tors listed in the Re place ment Parts List. These con nec tors are avail able from Bird Elec -
tronic Cor po ra tion and may be re quested at time of or der to fa cil i tate con nec tion to the user’s sys -
These “QC” con nec tors are eas ily changed by re mov ing the four 6-32 pan head ma chine screws
from the cor ners of the con nec tor flange and pull ing the con nec tor straight off. To in stall con nec -
tors, re verse the re moval pro ce dure mak ing sure the cen ter con tact pin aligns prop erly with its
mat ing socket.