Bird Technologies 4450 User Manual
Page 24

Re in stall the me ter and cal i bra tion board by re vers ing the dis as sem -
bly pro ce dure. Do not tighten the me ter mount ing screws ex ces -
Range and Mode
Switch Replacement
Re move back cover.
Peel off the rub ber feet lo cated in the back half of the bot tom sec -
tion to gain ac cess to flat head screws se cur ing the line sec tion
mount ing bracket.
Re move the two screws.
Pull the line sec tion out of the back slightly and dis con nect the
three wires that con nect to the cir cuit board.
Using a 5/64 Al len wrench, loosen the set screws in the switch
knobs and re move the knobs.
Re move the nuts that se cure the switches to the front panel with a
9/16 end wrench. Un plug the rib bon ca ble con nec tor from the cal i -
bra tion board. The switch and ca ble har ness as sem bly can now be
re moved from the me ter hous ing as sem bly for re pair or re place ment.
If only one switch is to be re placed, be sure to re at tach the wires
in di vid u ally to the cor rect switch lugs as orig i nal.
To re in stall the switch as sem bly, sim ply re verse the dis as sem bly
pro ce dure. When re plac ing the knobs, make sure the ar row of the
knob points to the cor rect set ting be fore tight en ing the set screws.
Bird Model 4450 Thruline Wattmeter