Bird Technologies 4450 User Manual

Page 20

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VSWR Calculations

Af ter ob tain ing the for ward and re flected power read ings de scribed above, the VSWR may be
found by cal cu la tion as de scribed on page 2-1 Traveling wave vs. Stand ing wave. Con ver sion
nomographs to sim plify de ter min ing VSWR are pro vided be low. Sim ply find the num bers on the
hor i zon tal and ver ti cal axis of the nomograph which cor re spond to the ac tual for ward and re verse
power read ings re spec tively. Fol low the cross lines un til they in ter sect, and read the VSWR from
the near est slanted line.

Bird Model 4450 Thruline Wattmeter


Figure 4-2

VSWR Con ver sion

Mono graph

Power Values vs.