Chapter 2 - about the drive, Hapter, About the drive – Rockwell Automation Liqui-Flo AC Power Modules User Manual

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About the Drive





About the Drive

This chapter describes how to identify the drive using the model number matrix and
shows the major drive components.

The LiquiFlo AC drive is a PWM (pulse-width-modulated) liquid-cooled drive that
provides vector and general purpose regulation for a wide range of applications.

Using vector regulation, the drive can provide high dynamic response, maintain full
rated motor torque to zero speed, and precisely control motor speed in both
directions. The drive can provide this functionality either with encoder feedback (flux
vector control or FVC) or without (sensorless vector control or SVC).

Using general purpose (volts/hertz or V/Hz) regulation, the drive is suited for a broad
range of applications requiring adjustable speed control of motors.


Identifying the Drive by Model Number

Each LiquiFlo AC drive can be identified by its model number. See figure 2.1. This
number appears on the shipping label and on the drive’s nameplate. The drive’s model
number includes the Power Module and the regulator version. Drive power ratings are
provided in table 2.1.

Figure 2.1 – Identifying the Drive Model Number


C o n tin u o u s A m p e re R a tin g (x1 0 )
4 1 = 4 1 4 a m p s
5 0 = 5 0 0 a m p s
6 4 = 6 4 3 a m p s
1 2 0 = 1 2 0 0 a m p s

L W = w a te r-co o le d
L R = re frig e ra n t-co o le d

V o lta g e
2 = 2 0 0 to 2 3 0 V A C
3 = 2 7 0 to 3 1 0 V A C
4 = 3 8 0 to 4 8 0 V A C

E n clo s u re
0 = O p e n C h a s sis
1 = N E M A 1
2 = N E M A 1 2 O n ly
4 = N E M A 4 x (In d o o r O n ly ) o r N E M A 1 2

R e g u la to r V e rsio n
6 0 = V e rsio n 6 .x F irm w a re