Operation instructions for gplcheck – Rockwell Automation T7835 ICS Regent+Plus Software Validation Package for Winternet User Manual

Page 11

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Software Validation Package for Winterpret (T3835)

P D - 7 0 4 5 M a r c h , 0 6


provides tag names for the imported and exported variables.
The project also provides the variable types, and values for
comparison to the template values. The export file is an
ASCII text file containing the name and timestamp of the


network binary image, the GPL node number of

the export template uploaded from the Regent, the export
template ID or template CRC, and a list of exported variables
by tag name and variable type in the order that they are
exported. The import file is also an ASCII text file and it lists
each of the import templates retrieved from the Regent. The
import listings include the exporting template ID and a
variable list. Each import variable has a tag name, variable
type, value assigned to the variable when the network is
started, the value assigned to the variable when the network
has an error, and whether the variable is assigned the time
out value or maintains its last commanded value when a
network error occurs.

Operation Instructions for GPLCHECK

Start gplcheck.exe from DOS in the W



directory. Following are the prompts displayed by gplcheck.
Gplcheck messages are in bold text and user inputs are
displayed in italics.