Rockwell Automation 2093-ASP06 Kinetix 2000 Shunt Module Installation Instructions User Manual
Kinetix 2000 shunt module, Installation instructions, About this publication

Publication 2093-IN002A-EN-P - December 2006
Installation Instructions
Kinetix 2000 Shunt Module
Catalog Number 2093-ASP06
About This Publication
This publication provides basic information for installing a shunt module on a Kinetix 2000
power rail.
Use this document with the Kinetix 2000 Axis Module Installation Instructions, publication
2093-IN001, to install a Kinetix 2000 drive system.
Refer to the Kinetix 2000 User Manual, publication 2093-UM001, for power up procedures,
troubleshooting information, and instructions on integrating a Kinetix 2000 system with
ControlLogix, CompactLogix, and SoftLogix modules or PCI cards. The user manual
provides detailed wiring examples, and information about installing or removing equipment
and accessories not described in this document.
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