Rockwell Automation 6000 Series 6000 General Purpose Compact User Manual

Page 2

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Retroreflective/Polarized Retroreflective
Adjust the sensitivity to the maximum setting, by turning the

sensitivity potentiometer clockwise. Aim the sensor on the

reflector until the alignment indicator on the sensor turns On

(light operate) or Off (dark operate). To be certain that the

beam is centered, sweep the beam on the reflector in the

horizontal plane and determine the position the alignment

indicator turns On and then Off. Set the beam halfway

between both positions. Do the same in the vertical plane.

Break the beam with the object to be detected and check to

see if the alignment indicator turns Off. It may be necessary to

reduce the sensitivity or change to a smaller sized reflector to

detect small, translucent or transparent objects. Restore the

beam by removing the object and check to see if the

alignment indicator turns On again. For shiny objects angle

the sensor so that the beam is not perpendicular to the object.

For highly reflective materials use a polarized retroreflective


Transmitted Beam
Adjust the sensitivity to the maximum setting, by turning the

sensitivity potentiometer clockwise. Aim the receiver at the

light source until the alignment indicator on the receiver turns

On (light operate) or Off (dark operate).

To be certain the beam is centered, sweep the beam across

the receiver in the horizontal plane and determine the position

the alignment indicator turns On and then Off. Set the beam

halfway between both positions. Do the same in the vertical


It may be necessary to reduce the sensitivity to a lower setting

for transparent or translucent materials or to detect objects

smaller than the effective beam.

Diffuse Modes (Including standard, extended range, wide

angle and fixed focus)
Adjust the sensitivity to the maximum setting by turning the

sensitivity potentiometer clockwise. Aim the sensor at the

object to be detected until the alignment indicator on the

control turns On (light operate) or Off (dark operate). To be

certain that the beam is centered, sweep the beam on the

object in the horizontal plane and determine the position the

alignment indicator turns On and then Off. Set the beam

halfway between both positions. Do the same in the vertical

plane. Remove the object to be detected from in front of the

sensor. If the sensor remains On reduce the sensitivity to

eliminate background signals. Restore the object being

detected and check if the output indicator turns On again. It

may be necessary to move the sensor closer to detect darker

or smaller objects.

Wiring Diagrams

Cable Version:

Models: 42SR_- 6_ _2 and 6_ _3

42SRL- 6000- QD

DC All Models Except Transmitted Beam Source






( -- )

( + )

DC Transmitted Beam Source

42SRL- 6000





( -- )

( + )

Models: 42SR_- 6_ _2- QD and 6_ _3- QD

1 Brown

2 White

4 Black

3 Blue

( + )

( -- )



( + )

( -- )

1 Brown

3 Blue

( + )

( -- )



DC QD Pin Out