Transmit 10 requests and wait for 10 responses, Release the send box */ fsendboxavailable = fal, Check if the receive box is available */ if (fr – Rockwell Automation D17846.2.4 CONTROLNET KT EMULA User Manual
Page 34: Release the receive box */ frecvboxavailable, Shutdown the interrupt system, Mask the interrupt */ outport(0x20+1, inport(0x, Turn of the ktc interrupt trigger */ outportb, Restore the vector */ setvect(0xd, oldhander), Shutdown kt emulation */ cprintf("taking kt emu

1784-6.2.4 - September 1997
Example Code for Polled and Interrupt Messaging
/* Transmit 10 requests and wait for 10 responses */
for (i=0; i < 10;)
/* check if the send box is available */
if (fSendBoxAvailable == TRUE)
/* Place an id host and stat message into the dualport */
pDP->comm.send.len = 0x11;
pDP->comm.send.dst = 1;
pDP->comm.send.lsap = 0;
memcpy(&pDP->[0], abIDHost, size of(abIDHost));
/* release the send box */
fSendBoxAvailable = FALSE;
pDP->comm.send.shake2 = 0;
pDP->comm.send.shake1 = 0;
/* check if the receive box is available */
if (fRecvBoxAvailable == TRUE)
/* Print the response out */
cprint("Response %2d: -,i):
for (j=0; j
cprintf("%02X", *(ptr+j));
/* release the receive box */
fRecvBoxAvailable = FALSE;
pDP->comm.rev.shake2= 0;
pDP->comm.rcv.shake1= 0;
/* SHUTDOWN the interrupt system */
/* mask the interrupt */
outport(0x20+1, inport(0X20+1) | 0X20);
/* turn of the KTC interrupt trigger */
outportb( HIRQCTRL1, 0 );
outportb( HIRQCTRL2,0 );
/* restore the vector */
setvect(0xD, oldhander);
/* shutdown KT emulation */
cprintf("Taking KT Emulation mode offline (shutdown emulation)\r\n");
cprintf("Waiting for KT stopped flag to go to 0xFF.....\r");
while (!kbhit() & &(pDP->comm.shutdown_stat ! = -1))
cprintf("KT has been shutdown \r");
*pReset = 1;
pDp->comm.heartbeat = 4;
PDp->comm.shutdown_trig = 0