Rockwell Automation 1492-CM1771-LD003 Field Conversion Module User Manual
Rockwell Automation Equipment

Digital I/O Conversion Module
(Cat 1492-CM1771-LD003)
I. Description
This Digital I/O Conversion Module provides for the conversion of (1) 1771, 32 point I/O modules to be converted to (1)
1756, 32 point I/O module and consists of the following:
(1) 1771 Module (32pt) to (1) 1756 Module (32pt)
(2) Conversion Modules: 1492-CM1771-LD003
(1) Cable: 1492-CONCAB005Z (Table 2, Section III)
(1) Conversion Mounting Assembly: 1492-MUA… (Table 1, Section II)
This conversion is accomplished without the removal of any field wires from the existing 1771 Swing Arm. The existing
1771 Swing Arm fits directly onto the edge connector of the 1492 Conversion Module. On one end of the 1492 Cable
is (1) connector for the Conversion Module. On the other end is the Removable Terminal Block (RTB) for the 1756 I/O
module, as shown in the photo below. The I/O signals are routed through the 1492 Conversion Module and the 1492
Cable to the appropriate terminals on the 1756 I/O module per the Wiring Diagrams in Section V. As standard, both
portions of the 1492 Cables are 0.5M long, but we also offer a 1.0M cable length. Refer to the footnotes in Table 2,
Section III for further details.
DIR 10000060086 (Version 01)
Publication 1492-IN033B-EN-E
Printed in U.S.A.
Conversion Compatibility and
Product I.D. Label
37-Pin Connector for cable 1492-CONCAB Z
De-energize and lockout any and all power to all I/O field devices connected to the A-B 1771 I/O
Chassis, and the power to the 1771 I/O Chassis itself. Ensure all power is de-energized and locked out to
any device in the control cabinet where the conversion is to be performed. Ensure work is performed by
qualified personnel.
1492-CM1771-LD003 Conversion Module