Rockwell Automation 1305 CONFIG. DRIVE User Manual
1305 configured ac drives program

Configurable AC Drive Packages
Flexibility with Definition
1305 Configured AC Drives Program
The heart of every configured drive
package is a 1305 variable frequency
controller. The 1305 is a microprocessor-
based adjustable-frequency AC drive
which provides exceptional reliability
when controlling 3-phase motors,
producing a 3-phase, PWM, adjustable
frequency & voltage output to control
motor speed & torque.
Per the "Electrical Construction and Maintenance Handbook for Estimating Electrical
Work", for every hour needed to install a combination unit, 1.65 hours are required to
install a drive and a disconnect, each separately mounted.
Installing a single unit eliminates the need to mount and interwire separate enclosures.
It also eliminates the miscellaneous hardware associated with installing two separate
L o w e r I n s t a l l e d C o s t
Automated Engineering
– Products "engineered" quickly via software written and maintained by Application
– Bills of Materials, assembly instructions, wiring diagrams, programming instructions,
etc. generated on demand, and electronically transmitted to assembly area
Q u i c k D e l i v e r y
Unit is pre-programmed (based on options ordered) and ready to install
Single source application support
Tested and documented unit
S i n g l e S o u r c e P a c k a g i n g R e s p o n s i b i l i t y
The Configured IP65 (NEMA Type 4/12) 1305 Device offers:
Lower installed cost
Quick delivery
Single source packaging responsibility
Prewired Disconnect
Quick information turnaround
B e n e f i t s
Article 430 of the U.S. National Electrical Code requires a disconnect means
for motor applications.
– Having the disconnecting prewired simplifies drive installation.
The disconnect switch is designed to meet disconnect switch
requirements for branch circuit protection.
P r e w i r e d D i s c o n n e c t
1 3 0 5 A C D r i v e