Visisight™ configuration – Rockwell Automation 42JT-D2LAT1_D8LAT1 VisiSight Photoelectric Diffuse Sensors User Manual

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1. Press and release the push button twice within three seconds.

After three seconds, the green LED turns OFF for 0.5 second
indicating the sensor is in the alignment mode.

2. Align sensor to the target to be detected. Intensity of green

LED increases with better alignment. Secure it in a position that
yields the highest intensity of the green LED. Press and release
the button once to return to the RUN mode, or the sensor
automatically returns to RUN mode in two minutes.

VisiSight™ Configuration

The 42JT VisiSight is configured using the push button or Remote
Teach or IO-Link and the LED indicators on the sensor. Five
features may be configured:

• Static Teach: Standard or precision teach for sensitivity/

sensing range

• Dynamic Teach (running process)
• Light operate (LO) or dark operate (DO) output
• Auto PNP/NPN, dedicated NPN or dedicated PNP
• Push button lock/unlock

The sensor output is disabled during Teach.

Teach Sensitivity/Sensing Range

The default setting is the maximum sensitivity/range.

Static Teach:

Teaching the sensitivity/sensing range is a two step process: teach
“target” (1st condition) and teach “no target” (2nd condition).
Switching threshold for output ON vs. OFF is set in between the
two conditions.

Standard Teach:

1. To teach the “target” (first condition):

2. Teach “no target” (second condition):

Place the target at the desired maximum distance.
Press and hold the button for three seconds until the
yellow LED starts flashing. Release the button. The
first condition has now been taught.

Remove the target. Press and release the button. The
teach process is complete.

If the push button is not pressed within 30 seconds,
the sensor exits teach mode and returns to RUN mode
without learning the new setting.

t > 3 s


t < 0.5 s

Note: The sensor can also be taught by teaching “no target” as
the first condition and “target” as the second condition.

Precision Teach: If there is nothing in the field of view in step
two, the sensing range will be set farther than the target to
maximize excess gain and improve detection reliability. For a
more precise setting with less excess gain, do not remove the
target in step two (i.e. the target is present for both step one and
step two). Also use precision teach for contrast applications.

Restore to factory default setting of maximum range: Perform
steps one and two with “no target” in the sensor’s field of view.

Dynamic Teach (Running Process):

If the targets to be detected are moving with the sensor aimed at
the running process, press and hold the button for three seconds
until the yellow LED starts flashing. The sensitivity will
automatically be taught in the next 30 seconds provided the
sensor sees two cycles of “target” and “no target.” The switching
threshold for output ON vs. OFF is set in between the two

Teach Light Operate (L.O.) or Dark Operate (D.O.)

The default setting of the output is light operate (L.O.)

The L.O. setting means that output turns ON when the target is
detected. If the application requires the output to turn OFF when
the target is detected, the setting may be changed to dark
operate (D.O.).

1. To access the teach output mode setting:

2. To change the sensor output mode setting:

Press and hold button for six seconds until green LED
starts flashing. Release the button. The current setting
is indicated by the yellow LED:
L.O.: Yellow LED ON
D.O.: Yellow LED OFF

Press and release the button within ten seconds to
toggle from L.O. to D.O., the selection indicated by the
yellow LED.

The sensor retains the setting per the last button
depression and returns to the RUN mode ten seconds
after the last button is depressed.

t > 6 s

t < 0.5 s