Yamato Scientific Hitech controller type Ⅳ User Manual
Page 32

Releasing the Communication Lock-out
Releasing the Communication Lock-out
Releasing the Communication Lock-out
Releasing the Communication Lock-out
By pushing the MODE key while the Communication Lock-out function is on, Hitec
Ⅳcontroller goes to the setting and releasing the Communication Lock-out mode,
and then you can release the Communication Lock-out condition to choose ‘off’ by
pushing the ▲key or the ▼ key.
Precaution in handling
Precaution in handling
Precaution in handling
Precaution in handling✻
※ The remote operation cannot be performed while the Communication
The remote operation cannot be performed while the Communication
The remote operation cannot be performed while the Communication
The remote operation cannot be performed while the Communication
Lock-out function is on.
Lock-out function is on.
Lock-out function is on.
Lock-out function is on.
※ The unit without the PC communication feature may show the
The unit without the PC communication feature may show the
The unit without the PC communication feature may show the
The unit without the PC communication feature may show the
indication of this function at its display by operating the MODE key.
indication of this function at its display by operating the MODE key.
indication of this function at its display by operating the MODE key.
indication of this function at its display by operating the MODE key.
Setting does not bring any effective result.
Setting does not bring any effective result.
Setting does not bring any effective result.
Setting does not bring any effective result.