Yamato Scientific Hitech controller type Ⅳ User Manual
Page 20

Indicates that the ramp time of Segment S
is set at the step operation. Change it to
Change it to
Change it to
Change it to
the gradient operation with a ramp time
the gradient operation with a ramp time
the gradient operation with a ramp time
the gradient operation with a ramp time
of 45 minutes.
of 45 minutes.
of 45 minutes.
of 45 minutes.
Input and preset the following parameters in the same manner as discussed in
"inputting Programs."
: 45 minutes
: 150℃
: o minutes (This is a segment of only the gradient operation.)
: ON
: 10
You have changed the parameters with asterisks. For the other parameters you do not
change, push only ENTER key.
Whenever you have finished editing a
Whenever you have finished editing a
Whenever you have finished editing a
Whenever you have finished editing a
parameter, the displays return to show
parameter, the displays return to show
parameter, the displays return to show
parameter, the displays return to show
the initial indications of Program Edit
the initial indications of Program Edit
the initial indications of Program Edit
the initial indications of Program Edit
If you leave them for about 10 seconds,
the programmable controller understands
that you have finished editing the
program and returns to the displays
shown immediately before you pushed
MODE key.