Music playback options, Get content info, Rescan info – Western Digital WD TV User Manual User Manual

Page 91: View info, Add to queue, Favorite & add shortcut, Rate, Play mode, Repeat

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WD TV Media Player

User Manual


Music Playback Options


To display the music playback options, press Options.


To hide the options, press Back or Options again.

Get Content Info

The Music get content info function is the same as the Videos get content info
function. See “Get Content Info” on page 67.

Rescan Info

The Music rescan info function is the same as the Videos rescan info function. See
“Rescan Info” on page 68.

View Info

The Music view info function is the same as the Videos view info function. See
“Video Playback Controls” on page 72.

Add to Queue

The Music add to queue function is the same as the Video add to queue function.
See “Add to Queue” on page 68.

Favorite & Add Shortcut

The Music favorite function is the same as the Video favorite function. See “Favorite
& Add Shortcut to Home Page” on page 68.


The Music rate function is the same as the Video rate function. See “Rate” on
page 68.

Play Mode

Use the music play mode to set repeat and shuffle options.


To set the music repeat mode:

1. During music playback, press Options.