Schwank SEB(U) User Manual

Page 20

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SEB Manual

RD: JUNE 2004

RL: 10


Page 16

Each individual tube heater requires
120Volts 60 Hz electrical power sized for
145VA. The heater can be controlled by
a line voltage thermostat or "ON/OFF"


Do not install the thermostat in the
radiant stream.

The voltage at the spark ignition con-
trol is 110V. Note that proper func-
tioning of the heater will be ad-
versely affected if the input voltage
varies by more than +/- 10%

The heater must be electrically
grounded in accordance with the cur-
rent Electrical Code

It is good wiring practice and the installers
responsibility to ensure that correct wiring
polarity is maintained throughout installation.
The Fenwal DSI control is polarity sensitive
and WILL malfunction if the polarities are
reversed. The black wire MUST be wired to
Hot, and the white wire MUST be wired to
Neutral. If the polarity is reversed the module
will not function correctly and will eventually
burn out.


In Canada all of the SEB/SEBU radiant
tube heaters are approved for altitudes zero
to 4500 feet above sea level and do not re-
quire de-rating.

In the USA if a heater is to be installed at
altitudes above 2000 ft, the input must be
reduced by 4% per 1000 ft and the orifice
must be changed according to the chart on
page 29.