Schwank SEB(U) User Manual

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SEB Manual

RD: JUNE 2004

RL: 10


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The total maximum allowable length of vent
and combustion air duct is 80' for SEB/SEBU
200, 175, 155 and 130, and 50' for SEB/
SEBU 110, 80 and 60. The total maximum
allowable vent and duct is reduced by ten feet
for every 90


vent elbow installed in the vent

or duct. Should the system be installed with a
90 or 180 degree elbow in the radiant tube,
10ft or 20ft respectively must be deducted
from the length of vent and duct. Neither the
flue vent nor the combustion air duct is to ex-
ceed 50ft in length. Lengths greater than
those allowed may create condensation prob-
lems and will void CSA design Certification.
The horizontal flue vent shall not terminate
less than the following distances: Canada and
the USA follow the same guidelines except
where indicated in brackets.

Three feet above grade level, unless its

location is adjacent to public walkways,
then it has to be not less than seven feet.

Directly below a soffit or over-hang.

Directly above a gas utility meter or ser-
vice regulator.

Uninsulated single-wall metal pipe shall
not be used outdoors in cold climates for
venting gas utilization equipment.

Twelve inches from the combustion air
inlet of any heater with input up to
100,000 Btu/hr. (Canada )

Three feet from combustion air inlet of
any heater over 100,000 Btu/hr.


Within six feet of a mechanical air supply

inlet to any building. (Canada)

Shall terminate three feet above any
forced air inlet within ten feet. (USA)

Shall terminate at least four feet below or
one foot above any door window or grav-
ity air inlet into any building. (USA)

Twelve inches from sides and bottom and
eighteen inches from top when installed
close to the corner of a building.

The previous references to Gas codes and
practices are meant to be a guide only to the
authoritative ANSI Z223.1 / CSA B149.1-00
latest edition current Gas Codes for the USA
and Canada respectively. The references in
this manual are not a fully comprehensive list
of the current Gas Codes and practices and
should not be used solely as such. They are to
guide the installer as a reference point to the
ANSI Z223.1/ CSA B149.1-00 Natural Gas
and Propane Installation Codes (latest edition)
It is the responsibility of the installer to be ac-
quainted with and to consult all relevant
codes, practices and local requirements before
installing the equipment.

Two heaters may be vented through an
approved common 4" X 4" X 6" flue Tee,
supplied by Schwank Inc., as an option. The
two heaters must be controlled by one
common thermostat or "ON/OFF" switch.

All vent pipe used with a slip-fit connection
must be mechanically secured. Where the
vent pipe passes through areas where the
ambient temperature is likely to produce
condensation of the flue gases, the vent pipe
shall be insulated with a suitable material as
approved and specified by the insulation
manufacturer. Check with Schwank Tech
Support as to the maximum vent temperature
requirements. The vent system must always
be adequately supported to prevent sagging.