S&S Cycle VFI Module and Pro Tune II Software User Manual

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After the installation, the Pro Tune II program icon will appear on your desktop. Double-click this icon to start Pro Tune II. You can also find Pro Tune
II in your Programs menu under the program group ‘S&S Cycle’.

H. Repairing or Removing ProTune II

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you remove Pro Tune II, any Tune-Files that you have modified or added will be left unaltered on your hard-drive. If you reinstall
Pro Tune II, Tune-Files that you have created using Pro Tune II CLVFI will be moved into a Closed-Loop Calibrations folder. Tune-Files created with other
versions of Pro Tune II will be moved into an Open-Loop Calibrations folder.

If you need to copy or backup any Pro Tune II data files in ProTune II version 2.2 or earlier, these can be found on your computer in the C:\Program
Files\S&S Cycle\Pro Tune II\Tune-Files folder. If you need to copy or backup any data files in ProTune II version 2.3 or later, these can be found on your
computer in the C:\My Documents\ProTune2\ folder. Pro Tune II Tune-Files have an .ECC file extension and Box files have a .BOX file extension.

1. Make sure that Pro Tune II is closed.
2. Insert the ProTune II installation CD into your CD or DVD drive. The ProTune II Setup Wizard will appear on your screen. Select Next to

continue or select Cancel to exit. To repair ProTune II, proceed with step 3. To uninstall ProTune II, skip to step 5.

3. Select Repair to restore ProTune II to the default settings.