S&S Cycle Bore Big Twin Stroker Kit 1936–1999 3 7/16 - 3 1/2 User Manual
Page 15
C. Install both cylinders and secure each with one nut.
NOTE: If base plates are to be used, be sure they are in place.
D. Rotate flywheel until rods contact areas to be clearanced. Note angle that must be filed.
E. Disassemble cylinder and connecting rods and file crankcase and cylinder spigot for clearance.
NOTE: A minimum of 1⁄16" cleArAnce is required.
F. Reassemble and check clearance.
G. This procedure must be done for both crankcase halves.
Insufficient clearance between connecting rods and crankcases will cause contact and damage to components.
Piston Clearance
Pistons must be clearanced to avoid contact with each other and with flywheels.
See Pictures 8, below right, and 9, below left.
Piston to Piston Clearance
A. Perform steps A through C in “Connecting Rod Clearance” above.
B. Rotate flywheel to position where pistons are closest to each other. See Picture 8.
C. Check clearance between pistons.
NOTE - A minimum of 1⁄16" cleArAnce is required.
D. Disassemble cylinders and pistons, and carefully file edge of piston skirts until clearance is obtained.
E. Reassemble and check clearance.
Piston to Flywheel Clearance
A. Perform steps A through C in “Connecting Rod Clearance” above.
B. Rotate flywheel to position where front piston is closest to flywheel.
See Picture 9,above right.
C. Check clearance between piston and flywheel.
NOTE - A minimum of 1⁄16" cleArAnce is required.
D. Disassemble cylinder and piston, and carefully file piston skirt until clearance is obtained.
E. Reassemble and check clearance.
F. Repeat procedure for rear piston.
Insufficient clearance between pistons and pistons and flywheels will cause contact and damage to components.
Picture 8
Picture 9