Forward data from r3000 to robustlink – Robustel RobustLink User Manual
Page 35

Robustlink Central Manager User Guide
RT_UG_RobustLink_v.1.0.0 12.12.2013 35 / 43
enter this number in this field.
If Agent Server’s port number is changed to another port number basing on the real application,
11021 for example, please enter 11021 in this field. Then go to xampp folder and find out file
“RobustLink_start.bat” -> right click and select “edit” --> change line 7th “RobustLink.exe” to
“RobustLink.exe -p 11021” --> save.
Password: Enter the password which set in the RobustLink. Please refer to section 3.3 CONFIGURATION ->
Basic Setting -> Device Login Password.
8. If R3000 login RobustLink successfully, it will show the following diagram.
9. If click any place of Index 1, it will show the status information of R3000.
Forward data from R3000 to RobustLink
1. Before forwarding data from R3000 via RobustLink, please check section 4.3.1 Connect to RobustLink, configure
settings such as “Cellular WAN” and “Portal” to confirm R3000 can successfully connect to RobustLink. After that,