RKI Instruments Digester Gas Monitor User Manual
Page 56

50 • Viewing and Changing Global Parameters
Digester Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
If set to NORM DE-ENERGIZED, the gas alarm relays are
de-energized in normal operation and energize when the
appropriate alarm circuit is activated. The NO (normally
open) relay contacts are open during non-alarm operation
and close when the appropriate alarm condition occurs.
The NC (normally closed) relay contacts are closed during
non-alarm operation and open when the appropriate alarm
condition occurs.
If set to NORMALLY ENERGIZED, the gas alarm relays
are energized in normal operation and de-energize when
the appropriate alarm circuit is activated. The NO (normally
open) relay contacts are closed during non-alarm operation
and open when the appropriate alarm condition occurs. The
NC (normally closed) relay contacts are open during non-
alarm operation and close when the appropriate alarm
condition occurs.
NOTE: The fail relay is factory set as normally energized
and is not field adjustable.
If set to CAN SILENCE BUZZER, the buzzer can be
silenced by pressing and releasing the reset switch when
the Digester Gas Monitor is in a gas alarm condition.
If set to CAN’T SILENCE BUZZEZR, the buzzer cannot be
silenced by the reset switch while the Digester Gas Monitor
is in a gas alarm condition.
If set to CAN SILENCE FAIL, the buzzer and optional horn/
strobe (if STROBE Installation is set to STROBE IS
INSTALLED) can be silenced by pressing and releasing the
reset switch when the Digester Gas Monitor is in a fail
If set to CAN’T SILENCE FAIL, the buzzer and optional
horn/strobe (if STROBE Installation is set to STROBE IS
INSTALLED) cannot be silenced by the reset switch while
the Digester Gas Monitor is in a fail condition.
Table 7: Global Menu Parameters (Continued)
Global Parameter
(Factory-Set Value)