Description – Precision Turbo and Engine NLR AMS-1000 Boost Controller User Manual
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The AMS-1000 multi-channel Air Management System represents the
latest in Digital Technology. A Motorola 50-Mhz 16-bit processor is used to provide
accurate and extremely fast control. A 128x64 pixel Graphical LCD Display is used to
provide a Live display of Data and Inputs. GUI (Graphical User Interface) style operat-
ing system makes setup and programming more intuitive and user friendly.
Data logging is integrated into the AMS-1000 and provides the user with instant
feedback on the performance and real time operating parameters. The Data is pre-
sented as a Graph with a Scroll function for detailed data information. If only the main
Boost channel is used for control of a waste gate the Aux channel MAP Sensor input
can be used to log actual manifold pressure. If both channels are used for control then
the logged data will represent the real time pressure applied to each channel during
Support for multiple type and pressure range MAP sensors have been provided
so the system can be tailored to an individuals needs. Sensor inputs are continuously
monitored and any Error conditions are reported to the user.
GM 3 bar—0 to 30 psi range.
SSI 5 bar—0 to 60 psi range.
SSI 6.5 bar—0 to 99 psi range.
Multiple operating modes available, Time Based, Shift Based, and GPS (Gear
Position Sensor) Based.
Time Based—One to six timed stages are available with this mode of operation.
Each stage has an adjustable timer to control the duration. The Ramp Rate (rate at
which the pressure is applied) is adjustable from 0 to 100 psi per second. A Ramp
Rate setting of 0 does not disable the stage. The target psi will instantly rise at the end
of any timed stage with a 0 Ramp Rate setting. The target psi can be increased or de-
creased over time to achieve the desired Boost Profile.
Shift Based—One to six stages are available and are controlled by a Shift Input
signal. The Ramp Rate for each stage is programmable as well as the Target psi for
each stage (gear position). The Ramp Rate settings perform the same functions as in
Time Based mode.
GPS Based—One to six stages are available and are controlled by a 0-5 volt
analog Input signal. This mode is for newer sport bikes or any vehicle that produces a
different voltage for each gear position. A switch that produces a different voltage for
each position can be used to select different boost profiles (up to six) on vehicles that
do not use a Gear Position Sensor system. The Ramp Rate for each stage is program-
mable as well as the Target psi for each stage (gear position). The Ramp Rate settings
perform the same functions as in Time Based mode. Data logging is NOT available
with this mode of operation.
Click for Index.
NOTE—Target Psi is the amount applied to the waste gate and is NOT the actual Manifold Boost Psi!