Precision Turbo and Engine NLR AMS-1000 Boost Controller User Manual
Page 13

Boost Channel Setup
Press the SETUP button.
2 3
Press the STAGE button.
ESC, Exit
and do
NOT save
new value
SAVE, Exit
and Save
new value.
Adjust Value.
Setting number of Control Stages, All Modes
Setting control stage parameters
Press the NEXT button.
BACK, exit
edit view.
EDIT, Edit
Cell value.
Select Cell
for Editing.
Setting Delay Timer, Shift Mode ONLY!
1 2
ESC, Exit
and do
NOT save
new value
SAVE, Exit
and Save
new value.
Adjust Value.
Press the DELAY button.
When in Shift Mode this setting
will Delay the Activation or Boost
Control until the Delay Timer
has elapsed. i.e.—can be used
to hold and/or delay the Launch
psi while launching in 1st gear.
Continued on next page...
Click for Index.
NOTE—Target Psi is the amount applied to the waste gate and is NOT the actual Manifold Boost Psi!