Precision Turbo and Engine NLR AMS-1000 Boost Controller User Manual
Page 12

Selecting Boost Channel Control Mode
Multiple operating modes are available as outlined on
Page 3
Time based, Shift based, and
GPS (gear position sensor) based.
Press the STYLE button to
change operating mode.
3 4
Time Based—One to six timed
stages are available with this
mode of operation. Each stage
has an adjustable timer to
control the duration. The
Ramp Rate (rate at which the
pressure is applied) is adjust-
able from 0 to 100 psi per sec-
ond. A Ramp Rate setting of 0
does not disable the stage.
The target psi will instantly rise
at the end of any timed stage
with a 0 Ramp Rate setting.
The target psi can be in-
creased or decreased over
time to achieve the desired
Boost Profile.
Shift Based—One to six
stages are available and are
controlled by a Shift Input sig-
nal. The Ramp Rate for each
stage is programmable as well
as the Target psi for each
stage (gear position). The
Ramp Rate settings perform
the same functions as in Time
Based mode.
GPS Based—One to six
stages are available and are
controlled by a 0-5 volt analog
Input signal. This mode is for
newer sport bikes or any vehi-
cle that produces a different
voltage for each gear position.
A switch that produces a differ-
ent voltage for each position
can be used to select different
boost profiles (up to six) on
vehicles that do not use a Gear
Position Sensor system. The
Ramp Rate for each stage is
programmable as well as the
Target psi for each stage (gear
position). The Ramp Rate set-
tings perform the same func-
tions as in Time Based mode.
Data logging is NOT available
with this mode of operation.
Press the BOOST button.
Boost Channel Mode
Time Based Mode
Shift Based Mode
GPS Based Mode
Note—GPS mode can only be selected using the
Boost setup menu. When using GPS mode the Aux channel
will be configured for GPS mode also.
Time based or Shift based modes can be used for
the Boost and Aux channels. i.e.—Boost channel could be
Time based and the Aux channel could be Shift based.
Click for Index.
NOTE—Target Psi is the amount applied to the waste gate and is NOT the actual Manifold Boost Psi!