Getting started, A. what you will need, B. assembly – Pololu Wixel Shield for Arduino User Manual

Page 7: A. what you will need 2.b. assembly

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2. Getting Started

2.a. What You Will Need

The following materials are necessary for getting started with your

Wixel shield for Arduino



An Arduino. Using this product as an Arduino shield (rather than a general-purpose Wixel prototyping board)
requires an Arduino. Wixel shield should work with all Arduino and Arduino clones that have the standard
Arduino pinout and use a serial bootloader. We have specifically tested it with:

Arduino Uno


(both original and R3)

◦ Arduino Duemilanove (with ATmega168)

Arduino Mega 2560


Arduino Leonardo


— wireless communication is possible, but the

Leonardo is not compatible with wireless programming because it uses a USB bootloader.

◦ chipKIT Max32 Arduino-Compatible Prototyping Platform (PIC32-based Arduino clone)

Two Wixels. A pair of



make the wireless link that the shield relies


A USB A to mini-B cable. You will need a

USB A to mini-B cable



connect your Wixels to your computer.

A soldering iron and solder. The through-hole parts included with the Wixel shield must be soldered in
before you can plug the shield into an Arduino or plug a Wixel into the shield. An

inexpensive soldering iron


will work, but you might consider investing in a

higher-performance soldering



if you will be doing a lot of work with electronics. See

Section 2.b


more information on assembling the Wixel shield.

A desktop or laptop computer. You will need a personal computer for configuring the Wixels and using the
Arduino Software. Currently, the Wixel Configuration Utility, the software used to configure the Wixels, only
works under Windows, but once configured, the Wixels should work with Windows, Linux, or Mac. See



for more information on configuring the Wixels for use with the Wixel shield.

We offer a

combination deal


that consists of a Wixel shield, two

Wixels, and a USB A to mini-B cable.

2.b. Assembly

The Wixel shield ships with all of the surface-mount parts populated. However, soldering is required for assembly of
the included through-hole parts. The following through-hole parts are included with the Wixel shield:

Pololu Wixel Shield for Arduino User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

2. Getting Started

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