Pololu Qik 2s12v10 User Manual
Pololu Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Qik 2s12v10 User's Guide
- 1. Overview
- 2. Contacting Pololu
- 3. Connecting the Qik
- 4. Serial Interface
- 5. Serial Parameters and Commands
- 5.a. Configuration Parameters
- 0: Device ID
- 1: PWM Parameter
- 2: Shut Down Motors on Error
- 3: Serial Timeout
- 4: Motor M0 Acceleration
- 5: Motor M1 Acceleration
- 6: Motor M0 Brake Duration
- 7: Motor M1 Brake Duration
- 8: Motor M0 Current Limit / 2
- 9: Motor M1 Current Limit / 2
- 10: Motor M0 Current-Limit Response
- 11: Motor M1 Current-Limit Response
- 5.b. 0x81: Get Firmware Version
- 5.c. 0x82: Get Error Byte
- 5.d. 0x83 & 0x84: Get & Set Configuration Parameter
- 5.e. 0x86 & 0x87: Motor M0 & M1 Variable Brake
- 5.f. 0x88 - 0x8F: Set Motor Forward/Reverse
- 5.g. 0x90 & 0x91: Get Motor M0 & M1 Current
- 5.h. 0x92 & 0x93: Get Motor M0 & M1 Speed
- 5.a. Configuration Parameters
- 6. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Error Detection
- 7. Troubleshooting
- 8. Arduino Library