Pololu Orangutan USB User Manual

Page 17

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cd C:\BlinkLED\default
avrdude -p m168 -P COM2 -c avrispv2 -e -U flash:w:BlinkLED.hex

The argument following the -p is the part number and should be m328p, m168, or m48. The argument following
the -P is the port; you can use your computer’s Device Manager to figure out the COM port of your Orangutan
USB programmer. The programmer ID is specified using the -c option and should be avrispv2. The -e option
results in a chip erase and the -U option is used for writing, reading, or verifying flash, EEPROM, fuses, or lock
bits. In this example we are using -U to write BlinkLED.hex to flash. Please see the AVRDUDE documentation
in WinAVR\doc\avrdude\ for more detailed information.

Pololu Orangutan USB Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2011 Pololu Corporation

5. Getting Started Using Windows

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