D. using avrdude – Pololu Orangutan USB User Manual

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here we have transmitted: config

Once the versions are transmitted, the programmer waits for a configuration command. The two valid commands
are “s”, for software version configuration, and “h”, for hardware version configuration. The screen shots below
show us configuring our programmer’s software version to be 2.0A, which will match what our AVR Studio

here we have transmitted: s

here we have transmitted: 2.0a

After the final character of the software version is sent, the programmer will echo back its new software version.
If you have sent the version correctly, the version echoed should be what you sent. If you have not sent it correctly,
the version echoed should be the software version it had before you started the configuration.

5.d. Using AVRDUDE

It is also possible to program your Orangutan using AVRDUDE, which is included in the WinAVR package.
To send the blinking LED program to your Orangutan, you would type something similar to following into a
command console:

Pololu Orangutan USB Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2011 Pololu Corporation

5. Getting Started Using Windows

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