Pololu Orangutan USB User Manual

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ports until it detects the programmer. You can determine your programmer’s serial port by looking in the
“Ports (COM & LPT)” list of your Device Manager for “Pololu USB-to-serial adapter”. Click “Connect…”
to bring up the AVRISP dialog. You should see the green programming status LED flash very briefly as the
dialog appears. If an error dialog appears instead of the AVRISP dialog, your computer cannot detect the
programmer; please go to Troubleshooting (

Section 7

) for help identifying and fixing the problem.

AVR Studio’s programmer-selection dialog

6. If you have not done so already, connect your programmer to your Orangutan or 3pi using the 6-pin ISP
cable. Make sure the cable is oriented so that pin 1 on the connector lines up with pin 1 on your target device!
You can test your connection by going to the Main tab and clicking the Read Signature button. This sends
a command to the target microcontroller asking for its device signature. If everything works correctly, you
should see “Signature matches selected device”. If the signature does not match the selected device, you
probably have the wrong device selected (or possibly your target device is turned off). If reading the signature
fails entirely, please refer to our troubleshooting advice (

Section 7

) for help getting your connection working.

Reading the device signature in AVR Studio’s Main ISP tab

7. Now it is time to program your target device. Select the Main tab. Your Device should match the one
you selected when you created the project: ATmega328P, ATmega168, or ATmega48. Select the Program
tab. Your Input HEX File in the Flash section needs to be the hex file that was generated when you built
your program. You can browse for this using the "..." button to the right of the input file text box. If you

Pololu Orangutan USB Programmer User's Guide

© 2001–2011 Pololu Corporation

5. Getting Started Using Windows

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