Paxton Net2 I/O board User Manual

Page 6

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The basic control of an I/O board is provided by 'Triggers and Actions'.

An air conditioner can be turned on remotely by the presentation of a user card to a reader.

For Triggers and Actions to function correctly, the server must be running and communicating with all

control units and I/O boards. This can be confirmed by setting up a rule that sends an email or SMS to

the System Engineer to investigate if the unit goes offline.

Triggers and Actions

Further information is available on the following application notes:

AN1066 - Installing an I/O board < >

AN1067 - Using Triggers and Actions < >

AN1076 - Integrating Net2 with lift control systems < >

AN1079 - Lighting control using triggers and actions < >

AN1080 - Automated Air Conditioning < >