Paxton Long range reader User Manual

What is a long range reader?
A long range reader can read Paxton hands free tokens up to a maximum of 5 metres. The system comprises
of a long range reader with an integral hands free interface and hands free tokens (keycard or keyfob).
The system operates by using the field being transmitted by the reader to wake up the token which then
communicates with the interface.
Existing Switch2 or Net2 control units, can be used without modification. Standard Paxton tokens/keyfobs can
be used with this reader but at their normal read range (see table on back page)
Hands free tokens also include a standard proximity ID chip and can therefore be presented to any Paxton
proximity reader whether they are using the hands free interface or not.
LED indications
The unit has a single high intensity LED array that displays RED or GREEN indications.
Steady RED
- Waiting for card ( IDLE state )
Flashing GREEN - Access Granted ( or held unlocked )
Flashing RED - User Access Denied
If an error condition exists ( ACU powered off, Cable break, etc ) the LED will show a steady RED indication.
Ins-30060 Long range reader
Technical Support
Technical help is available: Monday - Friday from 07:00 - 19:00 (GMT)
Saturday from 09:00 - 13:00 (GMT)
01273 811011
Documentation on all Paxton products can be found on our website -
Hands free tokens have features to maximise battery life. These include a two second timeout following a valid
read and a block on repeated reads at the same door whilst the keyfob remains in range.