Multiquip SP2S20H User Manual

Page 4

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page 4 — Sp2S20h paVeMeNT SaW • operaTioN aNd parTS MaNual — reV. #0 (02/17/12)

tablE Of cOntEnts

sp2s20h pavement saw

Proposition 65 Warning ........................................... 2

Silicosis/Respiratory Warnings ................................ 3

Table Of Contents .................................................... 4

Parts Ordering Procedures ...................................... 5

Explanation Of Code In Remarks Column............... 6

Suggested Spare Parts ........................................... 7

component Drawings

Nameplate and Decals Assembly ......................... 8-9

Under Carriage Assembly ................................ 10-11

Blade Shaft Assembly ...................................... 12-13

Lifting Bale Assembly. ....................................... 14-15

Console Assembly ............................................ 16-17

Engine Mount Assembly ................................... 18-19

Engine Assembly .............................................. 20-21

Pointers and Covers Assembly. ........................ 22-23

Water System Assembly ................................... 24-25

Blade Guard Assembly ..................................... 26-27

Manual Raise and Lower Assy. (20-in.) ............ 28-29

Battery Assembly.............................................. 30-31

Transmission Engage Lever Assembly ............ 32-33

Hydrostatic Transmission Assembly ................ 34-35

Hydrostatic Drive Assembly .............................. 36-37

Terms and Conditions Of Sale — Parts ................. 38


Specifications are subject to change without notice.