MTS Material Test Systems User Manual

Page 63

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If possible, install a dummy specimen at this time. Use of a dummy specimen will help avoid potential
damage to the test specimen when establishing the servo loop response and stability. The dummy
specimen should be a representative model of the test specimen. 

3. Install the specimen.

Specimen installation varies according to the type of grip being used. Each type of grip requires the
specimen or specimen fixture to fit properly into the grip. You should always review specimen installation
procedures found in any grip product information manual.


A properly gripped specimen is required for testing.

An insufficiently gripped specimen can cause specimen damage, equipment damage, and
the possibility of specimen fragmentation.

Before testing, ensure that both grips are clamped and the specimen is secure.

4. Disable the handset and set the actuator speed control to fast.

5. If desired, zero the force transducer output .

6. If desired, zero the displacement transducer output . Specimen Installation with 318, 331, and 359 Load Frames

The procedure to install a specimen varies due to the variety of test fixtures, grips, and the type of specimen
being installed. This section should be considered a guideline. You need to modify this procedure to suit your


You must have the necessary grips or fixturing installed. You must also have the controller set up to control
the actuator movement, and you must have a test program defined.

MTS Material Test System Operation 63

7.0 Operation