0 overview, 0 safety information overview, 0 hazard placard placement – MTS Material Test Systems User Manual

Page 26

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4.1.0 Overview Safety Information Overview

MTS systems are designed to generate single-axis or multi-axial motions and forces simultaneously in a
controlled environment and impart these motions and forces into a specimen that is secured to the system.

When you prepare to operate the system and during system operation, ensure the following:

Do not use or allow personnel to operate the system who are not experienced, trained, or educated in the
inherent dangers associated with this system and who are not experienced, trained, or educated with
regard to the intended operation as it applies to this system.

Do not disable safety components or features (including limit detectors, light curtains, or proximity

Do not attempt to operate the system without appropriate personal safety gear (for example, hearing,
head, hand, and eye protection).

Do not apply energy levels that exceed the maximum energies and velocities for the system design. Refer
to the system specifications for these maximum values.

Do not use a specimen that does not meet the minimum (if applicable) or exceeds the maximum allowable
mass. Refer to the system specifications for these values.

Do not use specimens that are combustible, flammable, pressurized, or explosive.

Do not use humans as specimens or allow humans to ride in or on the specimen or the system for any
purpose unless the system is man-rated and all associated safety conditions are strictly enforced.

Do not modify the system or replace system components using parts that are not MTS component parts.

Do not effect repairs using parts or components that are not manufactured to MTS specifications.

Do not operate the system in an explosive atmosphere.

Do not use the system in an area where uncontrolled access to the system is allowed when the system
is in operation. Hazard Placard Placement

Hazard placards contain specific safety information and are affixed directly to the system so they are plainly

Each placard describes a system-related hazard. When possible, international symbols (icons) are used to
graphically indicate the type of hazard. The placard label indicates the severity of the hazard. In some
instances, the placard may contain text that describes the hazard, the potential result if the hazard is ignored,
and general instructions about how to avoid the hazard. Refer to the product information manuals for a
description of hazard placards associated with the various products that comprise your system.

26 MTS Material Test System Operation

4.0 Safety