Reference, 6 reference – Lenze E94P PositionServo Modbus User Manual
Page 29

6 Reference
6.1 PID List with Modbus Values
This is a condensed PID List to show the corresponding Modbus 4X Registers for PIDs 1-256. Modbus RTU
can not access beyond PID256. For the complete variable list refer to the PositionServo Programming Manual
(PM94P01 or PM94M01).
These variables can be accessed from the user’s program or any supported communications interface protocol.
From the user program, any variable can be accessed by either its variable name or by its index value (using the
syntax: @
interface any variable can be accessed by its index value.
The column “
Type” indicates the type of variable:
Motor: denotes a motor value
Motion: writing to an “mtn” variable could cause the start of motion
Velocity: denotes a velocity or velocity scaling value
The column “
Format” provides the native format of the variable:
32 bit integer
float (real)
When setting a variable via an external device the value can be addressed as floating or integer. The value will
automatically adjusted to fit it’s given form.
The column “
EPM” shows if a variable has a non-volatile storage space in the EPM memory:
Variable has non-volatile storage Space in EPM
Variable does not exist in EPM memory
The user’s program uses a RAM (volatile) ‘copy’ of the variables stored on the EPM. At power up all RAM copies
of the variables are initialized with the EPM values. The EPM’s values are not affected by changing the variables
in the user’s program. When the user’s program reads a variable it always reads from the RAM (volatile) copy
of the variable. Communications Interface functions can change both the volatile and non-volatile copy of the
variable. If the host interface requests a change to the EPM (non-volatile) value, this change is done both in the
user program’s RAM memory as well as in the EPM. Interface functions have the choice of reading from the
RAM (volatile) or from the EPM (non-volatile) copy of the variable.
The column “
Access” lists the user’s access rights to a variable:
read only
write only
R/W read/write
Writing to an R (read-only) variable or reading from a W (write-only) variable will not work.
The column “
Units” shows units of the variable. Units unique to this manual that are used for motion are:
user units
encoder counts
S seconds
pulses per sample. Sample time is 512
ms - servo loop rate
PPSS pulses per sample per sample. Sample time is 512
ms - servo loop rate