3 skin injuries – Leica Biosystems LPC Operating Manual User Manual

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Operating Manual V 1.0 – 06/2010

7.3.3 Skin injuries

Radiation in the UVA (315-400 nm) range can cause hyperpigmentation and
erythema (sunburn). Exposure in the UVB (280-315 nm) range is most injuri-
ous to skin. In addition to thermal injury caused by ultraviolet energy, there
is also possibility of radiation carcinogenesis from UVB. The shorter wave-
lengths are absorbed in the outer dead layers of the epidermis (stratum cor-
neum) and the longer wavelengths have an initial pigment-darkening effect
followed by erythema if there is exposure to excessive levels.

The dangers associated with exposure to the skin to radiation are less se-
vere than the eye injuries; however, with the increasingly widespread use of
powerful laser systems, particularly ultraviolet lasers, the skin of personnel
can be exposed to hazardous levels of radiation if they are used in non-en-
capsulated systems.

Skin burns caused by lasers can happen quite fast and with great intensity.
Protective clothing should be worn when potential exposure to direct laser
beams exist.

Radiation in the UVC (200-280 nm) range can cause erythema (sunburn),
skin cancer and burns.

Radiation in the UVB (280-315 nm) range can cause accelerated skin
aging, increased skin pigmentation and burns.

Radiation in the UVA (315-400 nm) range can cause pigment darkening
and skin burns.

Visible radiation (400-700 nm) can cause photosensitive reactions and
skin burns.

Infrared radiation (700-100,000 nm) can cause skin burns.


Appendix A – Laser Safety