JUMO 902940 DELOS T Electronic Temperature Switch with Display and Analog Output Data Sheet User Manual
Jumo delos t, Application, Brief description

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Electronic temperature switch
with display and analog output
• For temperatures between -50 and +260 °C (+500 °C)
• EHEDG certification
• Configuration performed with the rotary encoder on the temperature switch or setup
• M12 × 1 connector; protection type IP67 according to DIN EN 60529
with pushed in machine connector
• Positively lit LCD display
• Food & pharmaceutical
• CIP/SIP systems
• Machine and plant engineering
• Air conditioning and refrigeration applications
Brief description
The highly-precise, electronic temperature switch consists of a protection tube with built-in tem-
perature sensor, a process connection, and an attached case with LCD display for the electron-
ics. Depending on the application, the following output variants are available: 1× PNP or 2× PNP
switching output (binary output) or 1× PNP switching output and 1× analog output. The configu-
ration of the output signal and the measuring range can be customized. Depending on the ver-
sion, the electronic temperature switch can be used in an operating temperature range from
-50 to +150 °C, -50 to +260 °C, and -50 to +500 °C. The analog output signal 4 to 20 mA,
0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V or reversed 20 to 4 mA, 20 to 0 mA, and 10 to 0 V is available in a linear-
ized fashion (temperature linear). The electronic temperature switch is designed for industrial
use and complies with the European standards to guarantee electromagnetic compatibility
Note: also available as precision pressure transmitter JUMO DELOS SI, see data sheet 405052.
Basic type 902940/10
Technical data
Electrical connection
Machine connector M12 × 1, 4-pin according to IEC 60947-5-2
Process connections
Screw connection G 1/4, G 3/8, and G 1/2
Screw connection M12 × 1.5; M18 × 1.5 and M20 × 1.5
Screw connection 1/2-14NPT
Union nut G 3/8
Pipe screw connection G 1/4 and G 1/2
Screw connection G 1/2 with CIP-compliant conical seal and EHEDG certification
Taper socket with union nut (milk pipe screw connection)
Clamping socket (clamp)
Ball weld-in socket with clamping screw connection
Welding socket with CIP-compliant conical seal
Varivent connections with EHEDG certification
JUMO PEKA with EHEDG certification
Protection tube
Stainless steel 316 L, material no. 1.4404/1.4435
Stainless steel 316 Ti, material no. 1.4571
Protection type
IP67 according to DIN EN 60529 with the pushed in machine connector
Response time
: 3 s in water 0.4 m/s
: 8 s in water 0.4 m/s
Measuring insert
Pt1000 temperature sensor, DIN EN 60751, class A or AA (1/3 DIN B), 4-wire circuit
Approvals/approval marks (see "Technical data")
Data Sheet 902940